◄► Technical Blog Posts ◄►

Problem-solving | Sprint 4

Problem-solving is a skill that is required for everyone throughout life, at all ages and stages. Little babies have to problem solve how to get their parent's attention and toddlers learn how to navigate around obstacles when learning to walk. Children have to problem-solve to learn their times tables - and students learning JavaScript are no exception!

Read the full blog post here.

JavaScript Fundamentals | Sprint 3

Javascript is a core part of computer programming; it gives you wide range of flexibility when creating a web page or app. With Javascript you can achieve a lot of things that are simply not possible with only HTML and CSS.

In this blog we'll go over some of the key concepts of this language, how it relates to HTML/CSS and how to use the DOM.

Read the full blog post here.

What are the differences between relative, absolute, and fixed positioning? | Sprint 2

There are different ways to position elements on a page, and a common way to do this is by using the aptly named position property.

This specifies how the element behaves, and the values associated with it set rules as to how the element can move.

Read the full blog post here.