◄► Core Blog Posts ◄►

Foundations Reflection | Sprint 5

What are three new things you have learnt about yourself and your ego due to the core learning?

  1. I tend to rush things, and need to take on the growth mindset more. I'm better-off learning slowly, so I can understand each concept before moving forward.
  2. Emotional intelligence is something that I think I'm usually pretty good at, however when I'm stressed I tend to be pretty hard on myself. Learning more about this has helped me know when to stop, start and ask for help with technical questions.
  3. I CAN learn JavaScript! It's just going to take a lot of repetition and looking at it in different ways to get it in my head.

Read the full blog post here.

Neuroplasticity and Growth Mindset | Sprint 4

Why is it important to understand neuroplasticity?

A big benefit of understanding neuroplasticity is gaining the knowledge that repetition and exposure to a concept that makes a person learn something - not an innate, fixed level of intelligence.

This gives hope that you can become competent (or even great!) at something - but that it’s normal to not understand it at the beginning.

Read the full blog post here.

Emotional Intelligence | Sprint 3

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise your emotions and react to them in a logical, proactive way versus reacting in a negative way that can harm ourselves or others. It’s when you recognise and to a degree control your emotions, rather than them controlling you.

Emotional intelligence also applies for interactions with others; being able to understand how they're feeling, listen to them and relate to their emotions about something.

Read the full blog post here.

Learning Plan | Sprint 2 & 5

What is your long term goal or career pathway?

I want to be a senior product manager at my work (or another tech company). I’ve learned I love being in product and would love the opportunity to have higher impact and let my understanding of merchant needs combine with my technical skills to improve our offering.

My next steps are to complete this course, move into a product owner role and learn, learn, learn.

Read the full blog post here.

Identity, values and strengths exploration | Sprint 1

Explain a situation where you have made an ethical decision. Discuss how you weighed up the values involved in that decision, the decision you made, and how you reflect on the decision now.

Prior to working in tech, I was an early childhood teacher for 5 years. It’s a challenging job and very stressful, but can also be very rewarding.

Not long after I finished my qualification, I started working at a center that I found had very poor practice. Teachers would routinely get up in small children’s faces, grab them by the shoulders and yell at them - for things like a newly-toilet trained two-year-old having an accident.

Read the full blog post here.